Camera Angles

Camera Angles 101 – What are they?

From the video you watched, what are the 3 reasons why camera Angles important in filming and why?

  1. It gives emotion
  2. So people have a different perspective each time
  3. So the video doesn’t feel plain


Types of Camera Angles What does it look like?
wide Shows more of the surroundings of a place.
long Showing the surroundings of an object or person 
medium Waist up as if you are talking to that person
detail Extreme close up on an item or person
low To make the object or person look bigger than normal
cowboy Mid thigh up of a person
tight Head and shoulders view
pov As if you were that person and you were seeing from their prospective 
Cut away Is focusing on something but is interrupted by the subject
dutch Slightly tilted as if the world was tilting
Over the shoulder Is if two people were having a conversation and would show the other person’s face

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