Category: Hanga | Create

Team tui LCS expo

For L.C.S this term we worked on making and learning about our culture groups traditional clothing or accessories. We had a choice if we wanted to either partner up or work on our own. Me and Kaedyns chose to create a Pale fuiono that is a traditional head piece from Samoa. We had to research about the past and history on the country and then search for information on our item.

Financial literacy

For week 7 literacy we worked on the topic of financial literacy. We had a task where if we were given $1000 what we would buy. We had to keep within the budget but we also needed saving plans. This task we easy for some but also hard for others. Some would either go over budget or will have a remainder of money left. This was a fun task in general and was funny to see people stress over what they would want to buy.


Times Tables Journey

Today for Maths my friend Ahasi and I decided to touch up on our knowledge on our Times tables. In our Maths books we took it upon ourselves to test us on how well we know our 3 – 12 times tables without any help. Together we accomplished our goals and in the end we were proud of the results. This was a good opportunity because next year I will be in college and it will come in handy.

Advert Template

“The image I choose represents the uncleanliness that surrounds our lands and oceans. It is to give people an picture of what they are doing that harms or kills our earth. Even though there are rubbish bins people can’t be bothered to walk over to throw their trash away. The main reason the earth is failing is because people are being lazy.” #Every day is Earth Day

For one of the cyber smart task we had to create our own advert to try and persuade people to do something positive. What I did was use the craiyon website to create an image that related to the topic I wanted to talk about. Once my image had been created I wrote a paragraph on how we effect the world with our waste.

Island breeze

This morning in the hall Glentaylor school had a performance by a mixed-cultured band of dancers from Hawaii. The name of this band is called island breeze.  This group contains cultures from all around the world like South Africa, Philippines, Tonga and Samoa etc. They were representing different island cultural dances to bring the islands to the rest of the world. Island breeze have been travelling around the world for 6 months to showcase different culture dances. It was a good experience and would love to see what the have to show in the future

Parts of speech

Last week Team tui focused on Parts of speech to have a better understanding on how we can improve on our writing. We had learnt 8 different parts of speech which were Adverb, Adjective, Interjection, Conjunction, Noun, Preposition, Pronoun and Verb. For the first task we had to think of words that can help the sentence make sense. Then on the side we will list down our ideas to compare it to the sentence.

Number Talk

For this week’s number talks we had discussed the different types of numbers. Starting with counting/natural numbers starting from 1 to infinte. The main thing we had focused on was integers. Integers are where you count both ways including negative and positive counting. 

Term Tui probability

Today for maths Team Tui had learned about probability through activities. The first rotation we had was a game called greedy pig. We had to roll a single dice for a number and had to add them up to 50 or more. If we had rolled a 1 we had to restart from 0 and go again. The second rotation was playing cards where we had a sheet of cards we had to pick up for example, a king, a card more than 3 e.g .  The last rotation was flipping bottles. For this game we had to flip a water bottle and tally up our results into our success and failures.


GTS Matariki Festival 2023



Yesterday GTS had hosted a Matariki festival. First thing we had done as a whole school was watch the performances in the hall. We had 4 schools come down to perform their kapa haka group. The schools were Glenbrae, Glendowie primary, Best start and Pt England. Once we had watched all the amazing performances we had went off to our classes to welcome the family’s to the learning we had worked on the past term. We had various activities hosted around the school in each class. There was also various food items sold around the school.